Jumat, 26 April 2013

A Finnish log cabin

Doing anything fun this weekend? I know one family in Finland who will spend the weekend in this beautiful 48 metre square cottage. I showed a few pictures of it here and today the lovely Minna from Time of The Aquarius has given me permission to show a few more. Complete with two bedrooms, tiny kitchen and a sitting room with a cosy fireplace and a sauna and guest room, the cottage has no running water. It's small for a family of five but that's the idea, they can be close and spend quality time together. Apart from the incredible decor, I think it resonates with me because I love the idea of weekends away with nothing but family and the nature for entertainment.

Time of The Aquarius

Could you spend time in a cottage without running water?

Do you remember this incredible Finnish cabin I showed a few months ago (also without running water?

If you're up for some simple but very cool DIY this weekend check out this cool project.

I love this incredible wooden box house, it's such a refreshing take on architecture and design!

I spy the very cool Vitra L'oiseau in these pictures. If you haven't entered the give-away to win one of these cooly birdies hurry! You have until Monday! :)

Before I head off, I just wanted to mention you've probably noticed my blog is going through a bit of a facelift at the moment, bear with me, the wonderful Ana from blog milk is working on it and it may look a little strange for a few days!

Have a wonderful weekend all!
